Useful Docker & docker-compose commands
Useful Docker & docker-compose commands
Commonly used Docker commands
Command | Description |
docker version | Show the docker version |
docker image ls or docker images | List the docker images on the system. |
docker rmi <image_name>:<tag_version> or docker rmi <image_id> | Remove the ocker image |
docker commit <container> <image_name>:<image_tag> | Create a new docker image from a container is running. Example:docker commit c3f275de7e0a khuongdev/testimage:version3 |
docker ps | Show the health status of a container. |
docker ps -a | Show all containers |
docker ps -a --format "{{.CreatedAt}}" | Show container start time |
docker create -it [--name <container name>] <image_name:tag or image_id> | Create new container and run it. Use -d flag for daemon mode |
docker rename old_name new_name | Rename a container |
docker logs <container> | Show the container logs. For examples: 1. docker logs --since 2022-10-19T12:00 devcontainer 2. docker logs --since 2022-03-13T10:00 --tail 10 devcontainer 3. docker logs --since 2019-03-13T10:00 --tail 10 --timestamps devcontainer 4. docker logs devcontainer -t 2>&1 \| grep "Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on POST request for " 5. docker logs --tail=10 -f <container_id or container_name> |
docker rm <container> | Remove a container |
docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q) | Remove all exited containers |
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) | Remove all containers |
docker cp <container>:<full path to container file> <destination directory on host> | Copy files from a container to the host system. For example:docker cp khuongdev:/local/data/file.tmp /tmp/file.tmp |
docker cp <full path to host file> <container>:<destination directory in container> | Copies files from the host system to a container. For example:docker cp /tmp/file.tmp khuongdev:/local/data |
docker exec -u <user name> -it <container name> <command line> | Executes a command in a container while the container is running. Examples:docker exec -u khuong -it devcontainer /bin/bash |
docker start <container> | Start a stopped container. |
docker stop <container> | Stop a running container. |
docker volume ls | List the volume on the system. |
docker volume prune | Remove all unused volumes. |
docker volume rm <one or more volume names> | Remove the volume |
docker volume inspect <one or more volume names> | Show the volume informations |
docker inspect <image id or name> | Show the docker image information. |
docker inspect <container id or name> | Show the docker container information. |
docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}} $(docker ps -a -q) | Check the name and IP Address of the container is running |
docker inspect --format='{{.State.FinishedAt}}' <container_id or container_name> | Show container finish time |
docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' <container_id hoặc container_name> | Show the container log path |
Docker Compose
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